54th ICBL: 17-22 September 2013 – Bari, Italy

2013-09-17–2013-09-22 Nuclear receptors and the transcriptional regulation of lipid metabolism The gut-liver axis route for lipids: relevance in nutrition and life style Dissecting lipid metabolism in diabetes and atherosclerosis …

53rd ICBL: 4-10 September 2012 – Banff, Canada

2012-09-04–2012-09-10 Dynamics of Triacylglycerol Metabolism Phospholipid Function (Symposium in memory of Eugene Kennedy) Lipid Signaling and Regulation Cholesterol Metabolism (Symposium celebrating Konrad Bloch's 100th…

52nd ICBL: 30 August – 4 September 2011 – Warsaw, Poland

2011-08-30–2011-09-04 Dynamics of Triacylglycerol Metabolism Phospholipid Function (Symposium in memory of Eugene Kennedy) Lipid Signaling and Regulation Cholesterol Metabolism (Symposium celebrating Konrad Bloch's 100th…

51st ICBL: 7-12 September 2010 – Bilbao, Spain

2010-09-07–2010-09-12 Physical chemistry of lipids Lipids and biomembranes Bioactive lipids and lipidomics Lipid-protein interactions and lipid trafficking Lipid-binding proteins Plant lipids [spb_gallery gallery_id="271"…

50th ICBL: 1-6 September 2009 – Regensburg, Germany

2009-09-01–2009-09-06 Mediator lipidomics targeting transcriptional regulation Membrane microdomain heterogeneity and signalling Functions of sterol molecular species Metabolism and impact of molecular species from minor…

49th ICBL: 26-31 August 2008 – Maastricht, Netherlands

2008-08-26–2008-08-31 Cell membrane organization and dynamics of biomembranes Lipid droplets as multifunctional organelles Lipids and their dynamics in intracellular transport Fatty acids, lipids and the metabolic syndrome …

48th ICBL: 4-9 September 2007 – Turku, Finland

2007-09-04–2007-09-09 Lipid metabolism - sphingolipids Membrane structure and function - lipids and domains Membrane structure and function - proteins in membranes Membrane structure and function - computational studies …