Award Criteria

ICBL Poster Award: Criteria and Procedure

Poster Selection Criteria

  • Scientific novelty and excellence
  • Concise, clear and informative introduction and objective
  • Brief methodology
  • Logical and clear presentation of results
  • Clear, concise, comprehensible summary and conclusion
  • A visual balance between text, figures and tables
  • Overall readability and impact (scientific & aesthetic)
  • Presentation of the poster by the authors and reply to questions

Age Limit for Poster Awards

The ICBL Poster Award is meant to encourage young researchers to present their recent work and newest results at the conference. Therefore, participation in the Poster Award competition is restricted to undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows or junior faculty members within the first 7 years after receiving their PhD. When submitting their abstracts participants have to declare whether or not they qualify to these criteria.

Poster Award Committee

For each ICBL a Poster Award Committee of about 6 members headed by the Vice President of the ICBL as Chairperson is appointed by the President. One half of the Committee is nominated by the President, the other half by the local Scientific Committee in agreement with the President.


  1. Abstracts for posters from groups of Committee Members are not eligible.
  2. The Chairperson in collaboration with the local Scientific Committee mails the abstracts to the Chairman of the Poster Award Jury in due time.
  3. Abstracts are forwarded to the jury members, and each member pre-selects 20-25 abstracts on the basis of their scientific quality.
  4. The Chairperson collates the results and prepares a list of 20-25 abstracts with the highest numbers of votes.
  5. At the conference Committee Members inspect preselected posters and agree on the winners. The Chairperson communicates the results to the Chairperson of the local Scientific Committee. The winners usually receive their awards at the occasion of the Conference Dinner.