Webinar – Short Chain Fatty Acids in Metabolic Health

International Conference On the Bioscience of Lipids (ICBL)

Weninar: Short Chain Fatty Acids in Metabolic Health

     21st January 2022
     1:00 pm UTC+00
     2:00 pm UTC+01 (Europe)
     8:00 am UTC-6 (USA, Canada)

Register : https://ethz.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_v9Dx1IEoSRCFg3vvcAZxwQ

1:00-1:40  pm (UTC+00)

Diet-Microbiome Interactions in Health

Dr. Jordan Bisanz

Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Penn State, Eberly College of Science

Philadelphia, USA

1:40-2:00  pm (UTC+00)

Gut derived Metabolites on Substrate Metabolism and Metabolic Health

Dr. Manuel Gonzalez-Hernandez

Posdoctoral Research Fellow

Leiden University

Leiden, The Netherlands

Organized by Members of the ICBL Student Committee:

Angel Loza-Valdes, Yashar Rouzbahani, Feng Long

