Webinar – Short Chain Fatty Acids in Metabolic Health
International Conference On the Bioscience of Lipids (ICBL)
Weninar: Short Chain Fatty Acids in Metabolic Health
21st January 2022
1:00 pm UTC+00
2:00 pm UTC+01 (Europe)
8:00 am UTC-6 (USA, Canada)
Register : https://ethz.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_v9Dx1IEoSRCFg3vvcAZxwQ
1:00-1:40 pm (UTC+00)
Diet-Microbiome Interactions in Health
Dr. Jordan Bisanz
Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Penn State, Eberly College of Science
Philadelphia, USA
Gut derived Metabolites on Substrate Metabolism and Metabolic Health
Dr. Manuel Gonzalez-Hernandez
Posdoctoral Research Fellow
Leiden University
Leiden, The Netherlands
Organized by Members of the ICBL Student Committee:
Angel Loza-Valdes, Yashar Rouzbahani, Feng Long