63rd ICBL: 2nd – 5th October 2023 – Palma, Spain
Advances in Lipid Research: from bench to bedside.
It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the 63rd edition of the International Conference on the Bioscience of Lipids (ICBL) that will be held in Palma de Mallorca (Spain) between the 2nd-5th…
64th ICBL: 2024 – Taipei, Taiwan
The proposed conference theme will focus on emerging insights in lipidmetabolism gained through new tools and approaches, as well as howthese insights can be applied to health and disease.
Primary Theme:Emerging insights in lipid metabolism…
62nd ICBL: 4th – 7th of September 2022 – Montreal, Canada
Lipids in Metabolic Health and Disease
Lipids desaturation in metabolism
Lipid mediators of inflammation
Triacylglycerol metabolism
Lipids as second messengers - Ceramides and Endocannabinoids
Lipids in neuronal systems
61th ICBL: 12th – 15th October 2021 – Utrecht, Netherlands
Lipid Dynamics - From Molecular Species to Health and Disease
Membrane remodeling
Lipid metabolism
Lipid and membrane trafficking
Lipids and disease
Lipid-protein interactions
Emerging technologies
Check out the official…
60th ICBL: 17-21 June 2019 – Tokyo, Japan
The importance of Lipid Quality (LipoQuality) in biological systems
Lipid mediator quality in health and disease
Phospholipid quality in membrane biology
Lipid quality in energy homeostasis
Lipid-protein interaction in the biology…
59th ICBL: 4-7 September 2018 – Helsinki, Finland
Lipid Fluxes and Metabolism –From Fundamental Mechanisms to Human Disease
Preliminary Main Topics
Lipid-induced modulation of protein function
Inter-organelle lipid trafficking
Regulation of lipid synthesis,…
58th ICBL: 10-14 September 2017 – Zurich, Switzerland
Lipid signaling in Health and Disease
Preliminary Main Topics
Sterols + Bile acids
Lipid protein interactions and lipid sorting
Enabling Technologies
Fatty acids and their derivatives
57th ICBL: 4-8 September 2016 – Chamonix – Mont Blanc, France
Lipidomics: from Structures to Functions (LSF)
Preliminary Main Topics
Membrane lipids
Lipid imaging
Plasma lipoproteins
Lipid oxidation
Lipolytic enzymes
Fatty acids of nutritional value
56th ICBL: 22-26 September 2015 – Puerto Iguazú, Misiones, Argentina
Preliminary Main Topics
Lipid synthesis, transport and metabolic regulation
Lipid metabolism and lipid signaling in health and disease
Biophysics of lipids, lipid/lipid and lipid/protein interactions
55th ICBL: 23-28 June 2014 – Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Lipid Modulators of Inflammation and Immunity
Modified Fatty Acids and Lipids
Endocannabinoids: Synthesis and Function
Phytolipids - A Vision for the Future?
Lipidomics - What's Next?
Lipids in…