Webinar − Lipids and Ferroptosis

International Conference on the Bioscience of Lipids (ICBL)

Webinar − Lipids and Ferroptosis

29th September 2021
1:00pm UTC+00
3:00pm UTC+02 (Europe)
9:00am UTC−04 (USA & Canada)
Register: https://ethz.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_6TDlAiZtQHuT7iddseCynQ

Speakers and Topics

1:00−1:40pm (UTC+00)
Ferroptosis mechanisms and pharmacological opportunities

Dr. Marcus Conrad
Director, Institute of Metabolism and Cell Death
Helmholtz Zentrum München
Neuherberg, Germany

1:40−2:00pm (UTC+00)
Spatial analysis of distribution and effect of ferroptosis inducers in mouse liver cancer tissue

Dr. Presha Rajbhandari
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Columbia University
New York, USA


Organized by members of the ICBL Student Committee:
Natalie Burchat, Hudson Coates and Lara Coppi